Brooks Reach, West Dapto

  • Sector: Urban Release and Subdivision
  • Project: Residential Subdivision
  • Client: Stockland
  • DFP Services: Subdivision Planning, Development Applications

Brooks Reach is located within the West Dapto Urban Release Area in the Illawarra Region of NSW.

The West Dapto release area is located between the Illawarra Escarpment and Lake Illawarra, approximately 3km from West Dapto town centre. The West Dapto release area has the capacity for approximately 17,000 dwellings and 8,400 jobs over the next 30 to 40 years.

DFP prepared multiple development applications for the residential subdivision of over 350 lots at West Dapto, including a display village and signage. The subdivision plan provides for a range of allotment sizes that will accommodate a range of housing designs and products.

The development applications addressed a range of issues including bushfire and flood planning, water sensitive urban design, flora, fauna and riparian impacts, vehicular access, earthworks, landscaping and development staging.